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Dance the Giglio

Dance the giglio on Saturday, June 11th as part of the Feast of St. Anthony in Bronx Little Italy. The Feast of St. Anthony runs from Wednesday, June 8th thru Sunday June 12th on East 187th Street at Arthur Avenue. For more information call 718-295-3770 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. The ancient tradition of the giglio originated in Nola, Italy in 409 A.D. and is still celebrated today. Our giglio is a custom, hand-made wooden structure, measuring 65 feet high (they are over 100 ft. tall in Italy) and weighing several tons. It artfully depicts images of revered saints and is the centerpiece of a traditional procession in Italian communities throughout the world. It takes over 100 lifters, or paranza in Italian, to hoist the enormous structure up on their shoulders and carry it through the streets while performing various ritual maneuvers. A band also plays traditional music associated with the celebration as they are carried upon the giglio.

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