Belmont is bringing Italian tradition back to the Bronx with the “Dancing of the Giglio” in conjunction with the Feast of St. Anthony. The ancient tradition of the giglio originated in Nola, Italy in 409 A.D. and is still celebrated today. Belmont’s Feast of St. Anthony will be held nightly from Wednesday, June 10 through Sunday, June 14, and will feature live music, carnival games, rides, and of course some of the best Italian food. The giglio is a custom, hand-made wooden structure, measuring 50 feet high and weighing several tons. It takes over 100 lifters, or paranza In Italian, to hoist this enormous structure up on their shoulders as they carry it through the streets while performing various ritual maneuvers. The “Dancing of the Giglio” will take place at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church on the corner of East 187th Street and Belmont Avenue on Saturday, June 13 at approximately 2pm.